
Ganesha I

Ganesha: The remover of obstacles.

May last painting of 2022 (acrylic and gouache on wood).

As I close out 2022, I am deeply grateful for all the obstacles removed from my path.

The shield around my heart has slowly melted over the last two years, thanks to my dedication to unraveling my traumas through many hours of therapy, meditation, and plant medicine.

My return to the lap of the divine is a great gift. My art is dedicated to the spirit that lives in everything—from the mountaintop to the unseen beings in and around us daily.

I close this year with deep gratitude to my friends and community. Special thanks go out to the animal spirits of the hummingbird, rhinoceros, whale, Phoenix, cobra, serpent, dragon, and grandmother—each has guided me back to the part of myself that was deeply hidden inside crevices of trauma and fear.

How can life get any better than this?

Haux. Haux.

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