Ganesha - Lord of Ganas & Guide to Higher Self

Hindu Elephant God Deity Ganesha – Lord of Ganas & Guide to Higher Self

When an elephant passes through the forest, it pushes any obstacles from its path. The other animals living there easily follow the elephant’s path. The Hindu Elephant God Deity Ganesha removes obstacles in your life. There are thirty-three major Hindu Gods in the Vedas (sacred Hindu texts) and hundreds of deities mentioned in the Puranas. The Hindu God Ganesha represents new beginnings and the removal of obstacles.

Sri Ganesha, also known as Ganapati and 108 other names, is the elephant-headed god of the Hindu pantheon. Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and the lord of the Ganas. The Ganas are attendants of Siva—think of them as a spiritual posse that supports all of our journeys toward the light. Siva is the source of our infinite consciousness, and the Ganas protect the source and path to the infinite. The Ganas are our sacred warriors of love.

When we pray on or invoke the Hindu God Ganesha, we must hold Siva in our hearts. Ganesha is concerned with the path toward our higher self and guides us through the forest of our inner shadows while helping us forge a new course. Ganesha is known to remove obstacles but may also place obstructions in our way to help nudge us in the right direction.

Hindu Elephant God

Observing obstacles (or challenges) helps me remember that spirit is guiding my path and that I need to pay attention and give gratitude to the lesson. It’s not always easy to remember this, and I frequently forget.

Ganesha’s Origin Story

There are a few origin stories about Ganesha, but I resonate most with the following: Ganesha is the son of the power couple from the Hindu pantheon— Parvati and Shiva. Parvati created a son to watch over her as she was bathing. Shiva had been in the Himalayas meditating and decided to return to his wife’s location. Upon approaching the bathing area, his new son stopped him from entering his mother’s intimate location. Shiva was not to be stopped and took out his trident and removed the head of the boy, preventing him from his wife.

Parvati was devastated and told Shiva that he had just removed his son’s head. Shiva ordered his Ganas, the most esteemed servants of God, to go into the jungle and bring the head of the first animal they could find. They returned with the head of an elephant. Shiva placed the head onto his son’s lifeless body, and Ganesha, the elephant-headed God, was born.

Lord Shiva decreed that no sacred ritual would start without first praying to Sri Ganesha and honored him as the lord of beginnings. I always chant to Hindu Deity Ganesha before every ayahuasca ceremony and hape session, and I encourage you to explore this invocation if you feel called. Shiva also stated that any offering made with love to his new son would remove obstacles from life’s path. He established the Hindu God Ganesha as the patron deity of all arts, science, music, and literature. The goddess Saraswati holds similar duties.

Let’s talk about what is being taught in this epic story—we’ll notice similarities to our spiritual journeys. The divinely created son acts in ignorance of God and tries to prevent the unification of the male (Shiva) and female (Parvati) principle. I struggle with this yin-yang union; remembering my feminine aspect always brings balance.

Only when the head representing our egos is removed by the trident (which symbolizes the energy channels of our prana) can we awaken to our higher manifestation. With the ego out of the way and the monkey mind quiet, we remember who and what we are, step into our divine path, and walk peacefully without obstacles.

Ganesha Symbology

Hindu Elephant God Deity Ganesha Image
© Photo Derek Dodds

Ganesha is widely associated with the sacred sound Om (Aum). In some writing styles, the letter for Om resembles the shape of an elephant’s head or body and is considered the greatest of all sacred symbols. Ganesha can be depicted with 2 – 16 arms. In most iconography, Ganesha has four arms, an elephant head, and a round belly and carries objects in three of his four hands.

Ganesha & Muladhara Chakra

Ganesha is associated with the Muladhara chakra. The Muladhara chakra, known as the root chakra, is the first of the seven primary chakras in Hindu tantrism. Here are some key points about the Muladhara chakra:

  • Location and Meaning: It is located at the base of the spine, specifically at the coccyx. “Muladhara” is derived from two Sanskrit words: “Mula” meaning “root” and “Adhara” meaning “support” or “base”.
  • Symbolism and Importance: The Muladhara chakra is symbolized by a lotus with four petals. It represents the earth element and is associated with the color red. This chakra is considered the foundation of the “energy body”.
  • Psychological and Spiritual Aspects: It is linked to survival instincts, security, and basic human needs. This chakra forms the boundary between animal and human consciousness and is connected to the unconscious mind.
  • Physical Association: It influences the functioning of the lower part of the body, such as the bladder, lower spine, and lower digestive functions. It is also related to the sense of smell.

Balancing the Muladhara chakra is considered vital for grounding and stability, promoting a sense of security and a strong foundation for opening the higher chakras.

Gaesha’s Body & Smybology

Hindu Deity Ganesha is usually depicted with a broad smile and a trishul symbol on his forehead—the trishul is in honor of his father and principal deity Shiva. Ganesha has one whole tusk, while the other is broken. The remainder of that tusk is usually held in one of his hands.

The Hindu God Ganesha can be pictured with fruits, sweets, flowers, a water pitcher, and many weapons. The most common representations show him holding a lotus flower, his tusk, and an ax or whip. With his free hand, he performs the mudra for blessing, protection, or refuge.

Hindu Elephant God Ganesha is usually yellow or red; his vahana (sacred vehicle) is a mouse. The mouse is an extension of Ganesha’s power to remove obstacles. Ganesha may be shown dancing, standing in a tantric yoga pose, crawling as a child, or seated on Parvati’s knee. He makes frequent appearances as an infant in Parvati iconography.

Each aspect of Ganesha has its symbology. The trishul or trident symbol on his head signifies his power over time. The lotus represents the inner self fully realized. His tusk represents sacrifice in artistic efforts. Ganesha is frequently depicted with one broken trunk, symbolizing that the wise person is beyond duality.

Ganesha’s Ax

elephant headed hindu god with whip and ax

Ganesha holds an ax that represents the power of destruction. As the remover of obstacles, Ganesha uses the axe to cut through barriers and eliminate impediments from the path of his devotees. Ganesha’s axe, or parashu, is a significant symbol in depictions of the Hindu deity. This tool carries deep symbolic meanings:

  1. Removal of Obstacles: The axe represents Ganesha’s role as the remover of obstacles. Ganesha is shown wielding the axe to cut away the impediments that hinder spiritual and material progress.
  2. Cutting of Attachments: The axe symbolizes the cutting of attachments and desires that bind individuals to the material world. This act symbolizes detachment, an important aspect of achieving spiritual enlightenment.
  3. Historical Significance: The connection of Ganesha with the axe also hints at a historical linkage to Parashurama, an earlier avatar of Lord Vishnu known for wielding an axe. This association highlights the enduring symbolic use of the axe in Hindu mythology[2].

These attributes of Ganesha’s axe underscore his function as a guide and protector, helping devotees navigate life’s challenges with wisdom and courage.

Ganesha’s Whip

The whip symbolizes the force tying God to man. In the iconography of the Hindu god Ganesha, the whip he holds is a symbol laden with deep spiritual meaning. It represents the force that ties the devout person to God’s eternal beatitude.

The whip is a simple accessory and a profound emblem of the bond between the divine and the faithful. The whip conveys that worldly attachments and desires should be controlled to maintain spiritual purity and dedication. It serves as a reminder that true devotion requires discipline and adherence to righteousness, guiding believers to enlightenment and divine truth. The whip held by Lord Ganesha in Hindu iconography is rich with symbolic meanings:

  • Symbol of Control: The whip represents control over the mind and its desires, helping devotees to stay disciplined and focused on spiritual paths.
  • Ties to Eternal Beatitude: It symbolizes the force that connects the devout to eternal bliss, reminding them of the ultimate goal of spiritual pursuit.
  • Enforcement of Righteousness: Ganesha encourages followers to adhere to righteousness and truth by prodding them gently towards virtuous living by holding the whip.

This iconographic element serves as a reminder of the need for spiritual discipline and the control of worldly attachments.

Ganesga’s Belly

Ganesha’s belly symbolizes bounty, his ability to swallow sorrows, and is said to contain infinite universes. Ganesha’s belly is a significant element of his iconography, and it carries deep symbolic meanings:

  • Representation of the Universe: Ganesha’s large belly is said to symbolize the universe or the cosmos, embodying the concept of all creation within him[3].
  • Symbol of Prosperity: His full belly also represents abundance and prosperity. It signifies that Ganesha swallows the sorrows of the universe to protect the world.
  • Emblem of Happiness: The full belly is associated with the joy and satisfaction of a well-lived life, reflecting a state of perpetual contentment and happiness[2].

These aspects of Ganesha’s belly illustrate his role as a remover of obstacles and his ability to govern the balance between material and spiritual life.

Ganesha’s Elephant Head

hindu god Ganesha Elephant Head

Ganesha’s elephant head symbolizes discriminating intellect, wisdom, and understanding. His wide mouth represents the joy people desire to have. His efficient, adaptable trunk represents the sacred sound Om and can hold anything in the universe. His wide ears indicate his ability to listen and learn. His small eyes symbolize the attainment of humility by discarding pride. His right tusk represents wisdom. His left broken tusk represents emotion.

The elephant head of Lord Ganesha is one of the most iconic and meaningful aspects of his depiction in Hindu mythology. Here are some key symbolic meanings:

  • Wisdom and Intelligence: The elephant head symbolizes great wisdom and intelligence. Elephants are known for their discernment and long memory and are revered in Hindu culture[2].
  • Removal of Obstacles: As the removal of obstacles, Ganesha’s large head represents his ability to think big and clear obstacles from the path of his devotees.
  • Humanity and Divinity: The union of Ganesha’s elephant head with a human body illustrates the integration of the divine with the material world, emphasizing the unity and harmony of all beings.

These distinctive features are rich in symbolic meaning, encapsulating essential virtues and spiritual principles.

Ganesha Holiday & Festivals

Ganesha is widely popular and widely celebrated. His icons can be found in homes, businesses, and temples. As the lord of the ganas, invoking him anytime one undertakes something new is appropriate. It’s common for an idol of Ganesha to be moved into a house first, to pray to him when beginning a new venture, and to invoke him before starting a new job.

The most famous festival held for Ganesha is the 10-day Ganesh Chaturthi. This festival celebrates Ganesha’s birth, and at the end of the festival, a procession carries the idol to the nearest body of water, where it’s immersed. The procession in Mumbai is millions strong, and the people dance and sing to the rhythm of drums and cymbals on their way to the Arabian Sea.

Ganesha has been a significant deity of merchants since the 10th century. His icons and stories have traveled the world. Ganesha is the most recognized Hindu God of the Hindu pantheon.

Connecting With Hindu Deity Ganesha


If you feel called to the energy of Ganesha, I encourage you to honor him with a picture or statue of ganesha god. Creating an altar dedicated to the energies and deities called to your side is a beautiful way to connect with aspects of the spirit realm.

Chanting to the Hindu Elephant God Lord Ganesha is another way to connect to this wonderous deity. Use the chant: Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha. This Sanskrit chant is translated as “my salutations to Lord Ganesha.” This mantra is from the Ganapati Upanishad, a Sanskrit writing from the Vedas.

In addition to creating an altar and chanting, connect with Ganesha through meditation and visualization. You can visualize Ganesha in your mind’s eye and imagine yourself walking alongside him, seeking his guidance and wisdom. You can also incorporate Ganesha’s symbols and attributes into your daily life, such as wearing a lotus flower or carrying a small object representing Ganesha throughout the day.

Finally, it’s important to remember that Hindu Deity Ganesha is not just a deity to be worshiped but also a symbol of our inner journey toward our higher selves. As we navigate the obstacles and challenges of life, we can call upon Ganesha’s energy to help us remove any barriers blocking our path and guide us toward our true purpose.

Ganesha Mantras

Blessings to my brother Clarke for invoking a deep love for Ganesha and helping open my eyes and heart to his manifestation. Connect with Ganesha mantras by searching for Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha on YouTube or Spotify.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the elephant headed Hindu God?

Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu god, is the deity of beginnings and the remover of obstacles. He is traditionally worshipped before any major enterprise and patronizes intellect and wisdom[3].

Why does Ganesha have an elephant head?

The elephant’s head symbolizes wisdom, understanding, and a discriminating intellect, which one must possess to attain perfection in life. This distinctive feature sets him apart as a deity of great intellect and wisdom.

Who are Ganesha’s parents?

Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati, two principal deities within Hindu mythology. His story and lineage are deeply embedded in Hindu scriptures[1].

What is Ganesha’s role in Hinduism?

Ganesha is revered as the god of beginnings and is worshipped at the start of rites and ceremonies. He is also considered the lord of letters and learning.

What are some unique attributes of Ganesha?

Beyond his elephant head, Ganesha is known for his sweet tooth, particularly for modaks (a sweet dumpling). He is also depicted riding a mouse, which adds a layer of symbolism about removing obstacles to his character.

Is Ganesha friendly or fearsome?

Ganesha is considered one of the friendliest and most accessible Hindu deities. He is known for his benevolence and is not associated with wrath.

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

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