Seth Godin Workshop

Seth Godin Workshop

Last year I signed up for Seth Godin’s Creatives Workshop in his Akimbo offering.. Seth is a marketer and has been a mentor of mine for many years. I have read most of his books and his daily email is one of the few emails that I read on a regular basis.

The Creatives Workshop is a 100 Day sprint within a digital community. Seth releases training videos on a weekly basis within the digital forums and his facilitators help shepherd the students during the course.

There are zoom calls and an emphasis is placed on shipping something each day—which means that you are committing to showing up and creating something daily. It can be grueling at times and yet being in a community helps you stay engaged—it’s like having a group of responsible partners that all have a common goal. It works.

The expectation is that you use the 100 days to hone your craft or perhaps try something new. Some of the writing that I have posted here over the last year has come from that workshop. At one point during the workshop, I created the following videos as part of my dailies. I have always loved the video format and it was fun to put together the following and express some of the ideas I had been thinking about telling via video. I have placed them in the order that I made them. Enjoy.

The Sea In Me

What Do You Choose?

I Love You

Grab the First Chapter Free

Plus link to Curated Ceremony Music ☺️

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Ayahuasca Beginners Guide
Category:D's Art
Piano-less Playing Granny
Writing is Dying

eBook Available On AMAZON

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